Acceptance is Bliss

As a frequent traveler, I can say that wherever you go in the world, you are going to encounter people who are different from you culturally, socially, and politically. That’s why I would like to talk about accepting today.

If there is one thing we all need to do, it is to treat everyone with dignity and respect and accept those who are different from us. 

Whatever your views are, you have to realize that there are many others who see things differently. If we want to talk about how to get along and be civil, we need to start within ourselves first, to get there.

You wake up one morning and decide to be a new you. Obviously, that will not happen overnight. Acceptance plays an important role in this transition.

You need to identify the steps you need to take and then decide to follow through.

Based on my own experiences, here are 3 steps that work for me. 

Hopefully, there will be something for everyone in my story. 

1.Accepting Diversity

It’s time to put our fears aside and be able to sit at the same table with someone who is different from us. Mine was both fun and instructive. Everything started with my first trip abroad when I was 10 years old experiencing Germany alone. Living in a different country and spending all my time with people who speak a different language, living in a life completely different than I was used to, helped me to understand there were other lifestyles.

Since then, I have become more curious about other cultures and lifestyles. It has become like a game for me to discover something new every time and the thrill of exploring new things.  I have started to like different things than I used to.

Instead of being afraid of differences I have become someone more curious or excited to learn about new things. When I went back to my country, I continued my discovery game and this curiosity encouraged me to find places that are out of my comfort zone.

 You should try it too! Try to be friends with someone who is against what you defend all the time and accept them the way they are. You will surely encounter people who do not think the same way as you, even on issues that you are 100% sure of.

It will also help you to expand your networking.

2. Open your mind and listen to other perspectives

Another way to become more accepting of others is to be a good listener. Although it sounds easy, this is actually the hardest part for many of us. The ideas you find wrong, absurd, or extraordinary may be what someone else believes the most. So, listen carefully. You can even take notes. Ask questions you are curious about. Try to understand the reasons why he/ she thinks like this.

The tricky part is not to ask questions since you just want to see if the other person can’t actually answer. Make sure you have good intentions to try and understand another opinion. It works for me. I am open to listening to even the most outrageous ideas I find, and I suggest you do the same. It makes you more patient and sometimes even helps your imagination:)

3.  Put yourself in their shoes (empathize) 

It all starts with being on the opposite side of a friend’s opinion. Sometimes when I disagree with close friends on politics, religion, or social issues, I see their huge reactions. 

Most of the times I had to say ‘’ hey man calm down, i am kidding.” This really helps me understand how people’s reactions can scare others’ into hiding their opinions. It’s easy to defend your opinion among people who think like you. Try the other way. 

You will see that your different opinion will change the attitude of the people you love very much. I think even that is reason enough to empathize with people who don’t think the same way as you.

Let’s start by showing yourself the acceptance you expect from other people. In the end, acceptance is giving every human being the same rights that you expect for yourself as Robert Ingersoll says.

Have a nice, more accepting day. 

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