As PIA, we believe that raising awareness is one of our core responsibility for the society. We all dream a society where unheards are heard, unspokens are spoken and nothing to the truth, the whole truth and nothıng but the truth shall be revealed. Unlike traditional NGOs that focus on broader subject, we try to respond on actual challenges that people face everyday. Here’s a few example so far.
Aim: We contacted PIA volunteers living in different parts of the world and prepared videos to share their thoughts and raise awareness.
Activities:PIA volunteers living in Spain, Georgia, Italy, Canada, Macedonia and Greece prepared a video explaining the situation in their own country and answered the following questions:
-Who are you? Where do you live?
-How is the situation in your area and what kind of precautions they took in your area?
-How are you spending your time during this process?
-How do you feel? Personal thoughts/opinions
Outcomes: We have released a series of COVID talks worldwide
Aim: To share weekly step-by-step drawing tutorials that will help people who cannot leave their homes due to the pandemic to spend their time productively and relax while improving their drawing skills.
Activities:Weekly tutorials on instagram
Outcomes: We reached more than 500 people. Families with children have the opportunity to do activities together. We encouraged other people by sharing the drawings made by the followers on Instagram.
Instructor: İbrahim Apak
Aim: To raise awareness in people by searching reliable sources about our work areas then sharing social media posts on our instagram page.
Activities: Research, Design, Social Media Reach
Outcomes: Reached over 100K over 3 years
Coordinator: Ayşe Nur Türkel
Content Author: Özge Bektaş
Designer: Simanur Sucu