One to One Resume Online Writing Sessions

  • Date

    30.03.2020 to 25.09.2020

  • Aim

    Helping young professionals prepare for job applications and potential interview

  • Activities

    Helping them write their CVs and explain which information is relevant and best to keep. Conduct mock interviews when needed.

  • Outcomes

    Helped 20+ young professionals write their CVs and land new jobs

  • Instructor

    Ruanne Elmalawani

Public Speaking Online Course

  • Date

    01-01-2020 to 01-06-2020

  • Aim

    To improve our ability to speak and present in front of the public by preparing presentations about PIA’s work areas. To create successful products by learning our working areas better.

  • Activities

    Weekly meetings which include team Building games, presenting a topic related to our working areas.

  • Outcomes

    Learning teamwork, improving presentation and public speaking skills.

  • Instructor

    Zeynep Gümüş

PIA Strategy Planning Online

  • Date

    12.06.2020 to 05.01.2021

  • Aim

    The purpose of the Strategic Planning is to set overall goals for the organization and plan to achieve them. In order to achieve this goal, we teach volunteers tools to help them guide their day-to-day decisions, assess their progress, and change their approach as they progress.

  • Activities

    Metrics or charts
    SWOT analysis
    Pestle analysis
    Portfolio analysis

  • Outcomes

    2021 PIA Strategic Planning Report prepared by the participants and shared with the other PIA members

  • Instructor

    Zeynep Gümüş

Guest Meetings

  • Date


  • Aim

    Invite successful people from different sectors to inspire PIA volunteers and answer their questions about their sectors.

  • Instructor

    Zeynep Gümüş

Online Design Course

  • Date

    30.03.2020 to 25.09.2020

  • Aim

    Understanding 6 fundamental principles of design
    – Hierarchy
    – Color
    – Balance
    – Contrast
    – Emphasis
    – Typography

  • Activities

    – Logo study
    – Analyzing bad and good logo design examples to understand usage of design principles
    – Instagram Post
    – Designing an instagram post collaboratively and learning fundamentals of design are useful for a lot of careers, industries, and hobbies

  • Outcomes

    Understanding core principles of graphic design to fulfill industry needs.

  • Instructor

    Zekeriya Kömürcü