Meaningful Connections: Developing Love for Networking


Have you ever felt nervous and awkward at a networking event? How many times have you dwelled on what to write in an email or LinkedIn message? Even for a fairly outgoing person like myself, those problems sound quite familiar.

In today’s world networking is an essential aspect for building a successful career. Indeed, creating and nurturing meaningful connections lead to more job opportunities and faster career advancement. Furthermore, effective networking provides broader expertise, and more prominent status.

For those of you who are not natural extroverts thriving on social interactions with strangers, I would like to share a few effective ways that lead me to change my attitude towards networking and become better at it.

Reframe the concept of networking

Many people find professional networking distasteful and exploitative which makes them feel morally and physically dirty. Moreover, this occurrence is typically more common among job seekers or those who are junior in their organization and generally consider themselves as a benefit receiving party. However, it’s important to reframe the idea of networking from taking to sharing. Now, take a moment and think what’s something valuable that you can offer to another person. Keep your mind open! Don’t forget that besides tangible resources like money, social connections, or direct assistance, there are assets like gratitude, renown, and recognition. Identifying things you can bring to the table will help change your internal narrative and make professional networking feel less selfish.

Realize you already got what it takes

No man is an island and people naturally strive to connect with others. Networking is essentially based on that primal need. It’s important to realize that you are already sufficiently equipped to succeed. There is a significant amount of research that confirms that we like those similar to us. Use this information to your advantage and research your target. Consider how your interest and goals can align with that person. Relationships driven by similar interests and shared purpose feel more authentic and have a better chance to bring meaningful benefits to both parties.

Come with a plan

Do you want to know a helpful lifehack?! Trick your brain and make networking into a fun scavenger hunt! Prior to any networking event prepare a list of what you wish to achieve and deconstruct it into simple tasks. For instance they could be like making at least 10 mins conversation with 5 individuals. Consequently, that will give you a purpose to be more active in a social setting and look for new opportunities for interaction. See someone standing alone at an event? Great! It’s your time to shine and practice social skills. Keep in mind that it’s easier to create a meaningful relationship when connecting one-on-one or in a very small group rather than a massive cluster of people.

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