Priceless Experience

Before I came to this project, my expectations were high because it was the first time I was leaving my country and the idea of meeting foreign people and learning new things with them was so appealing. I hoped this experience would change my life.

Poland was a welcoming country; as I expected, I met many friends there. We learned how to work as a group and how to motivate each other to achieve our goals. Then, we also learned how to make ourselves and others happy. Acting as a group was something we were proud of during the project. 

Most of the participants moved out of their comfort zones. We swam in the famous lake in the early mornings. I could do it just once, but it was more than enough. Many of us walked through a forest to get to Rajgrod. The village was very small, yet we enjoyed every piece. These experiences were priceless.

I really like the cultural night. As a Turkish team, we staged the Turkish Traditional Night “Kız İsteme”. I think everyone in the group burst into laughter. Italian participants were also good at staging their own games.

Perspective change

I can’t find enough words to express the positive impact after I met with PIA. It is an environment where people can speak up however they like and receive useful feedback. During the project, PIA members show their quality with their presentation and public speaking skills. I am really glad to be part of here.

Overall, after the project, my whole perspective changed. I started planning things that I wanted to achieve. Now, we can move on to more Erasmus+ projects and start to work towards that. I strongly recommend attending these projects for those who want to participate because you will not get these experiences anywhere else. You can simply follow our social media accounts to find new opportunities.