1. Creative Coding for Kids: Scratch & Unity

Aim: Introduce children to coding early, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills through Scratch and Unity platforms. Emphasize analytical thinking and interdisciplinary education, encouraging teamwork.


  • Scratch for Beginners Online Courses
  • Scratch Continuing Online Courses
  • Scratch Training for Trainers Online Courses
  • Unity for Beginners Online Courses


  • Increased productivity on digital platforms through game and animation creation.
  • Peer education and collaboration.
  • Team building and cooperative work.

Instructor: Zekeriya Ünal

Coordinator: Ayşe Nur Türkel


  1. English+ Conversations

Aim: Provide a virtual space for English language practice, fostering friendships and cultural exchange in a relaxed setting.


  • Monthly Online Meetings
  • Ice-breaking Games
  • Monthly Topic Discussions
  • Cultural Exchange

Instructors: Katherine & Ayla (Mother-daughter duo residing in Austin, Texas, USA. Both native English speakers learning Turkish.)

Quote: “The best part of this activity is meeting the kids who join our sessions and the dialogue it creates. Getting together, sharing information and resources, and playing games is fun. We learn a lot and hope to offer the kids that join an opportunity to learn some new things too.” – A&K

Content Author: Ayşe Nur Türkel


Aim: Foster an engaging environment for English language learners to enhance their speaking and listening skills in a supportive and enjoyable setting. Sessions, conducted via Zoom, revolve around thematic discussions to stimulate conversation and encourage active participation. Interactive games are integrated to facilitate learning and laughter, complementing the conversational focus. While not emphasizing structured grammar or vocabulary, occasional teaching of phrases, slang, grammar correction, and vocabulary assistance is provided as needed.

About the Instructor: Taylor Roth brings years of experience teaching English in China and leading interactive classes for non-native speakers. Passionate about connecting with individuals worldwide and fostering language learning, Taylor’s background as a China analyst for the U.S. Congress enriches the learning experience. Outside of work, Taylor enjoys outdoor pursuits like skiing, hiking, rock climbing, attending live music concerts, and exploring new destinations.

Instructor: Taylor Roth

Content Author: Ayşe Nur Türkel

Mastering Erasmus+: Project Planning and Management

Objective: Equip participants with the skills necessary to initiate project plans, manage stakeholders, build relationships, assemble and lead teams, draft a project charter, and develop a comprehensive field of study for project implementation.


  1. Online Training Course
  2. Ice-breaking Games
  3. Team Building Exercises
  4. Learning Modules: Eight modules covering the process of writing and applying for Erasmus+ projects.


  • Gain an understanding of Erasmus+ and its key actions and priorities.
  • Learn the step-by-step process of registering an NGO in the Erasmus+ system.
  • Acquire skills in budget planning and utilizing Erasmus+ grants effectively.
  • Identify potential partners and understand the required documentation.
  • Develop proficiency in drafting project applications, including project descriptions, aims, objectives, and implementation plans.
  • Learn about project management techniques, activities, and participant profiles.
  • Understand how to define learning outcomes, assess impact, and target specific groups within project applications.
  • Gain insights into disseminating project results and formulating future plans.

Instructor: Zeynep Gümüş

P-Way: Public Speaking and Leadership Development

Aim: P-Way is a two-month program designed to enhance team member engagement, improve public speaking, presentation, and organizational skills, and empower participants to raise societal awareness. By the program’s conclusion, participants will deliver a presentation showcasing their learning and contribute ideas to a strategic roadmap for 2022.


  • Weekly video and reading assignments
  • Weekly participant presentations (8 minutes each) covering four slides:    1. Brief summary    2. Three daily life practices    3. Learning opportunities and further exploration    4. Ideas for incorporating concepts into PIA
  • Evaluation criteria include time management, slide content and design, and minimizing filler words (“ıııh” counts).

Outcomes: Participants will enhance their speaking skills, become more critical thinkers, refine verbal and nonverbal communication, and overcome public speaking anxiety.

Moderator: Zeynep Gümüş


Aim: Identify and build your personal communication style while modifying your behaviors in the organization to better express your views. Break down obstacles to effective communication by understanding the role of culture, stereotypes, and bias in communication.

Activities:Ice breaking games, team building activities, completing lists of tasks of ;using communication skills, giving a feedback to my teammate.

Outcomes: Communicate appropriately and effectively within the group in PIA.
Communicate properly and effectively in the context of different organizations.
Demonstrate the ability of a group to understand a problem and find a solution.

Instructor:Zeynep Gümüş