Project Experience : Cold Lake Doesn’t Lie

project experience

What I like about a project is its ability to surprise you no matter how often you have experienced it before. I participated in eight previous Erasmus + projects. I am also a Turkish expat who used to live in Krakow. So when I arrived I thought I knew what to expect from this journey, I have never been so wrong.

It was an unexpectedly fulfilling journey and even though a lot of time has passed, I am still benefitting from all the experiences I had there. During the project, we attended many informative workshops. As Ayşenur mentioned, these workshops helped us a lot to find our way.  At night we enjoyed many social activities including, camp fires, cultural exchange nights, and of course parties.

We learned about willpower and how it is essential to our daily routine, even though we do not often think  about it. The willpower response is a reaction to an internal conflict. Every day we struggle to make decisions to increase our chances of  accomplishing our long-term goals.  With more self-control and some imagination, there is nothing we can’t achieve.

Challenge your fears

In a week long challenge, I visited a cold Rajgord lake with my dear friend Sunrise and for me it totally changed what it meant to be cold! For those want to learn the average tempature during September, you can check it here. I learned that if we control our mind then the body follows. This was an important lesson at the end. From now on, I will swim in the cold lake every morning.

Usually after these projects it’s hard to keep in contact with your project friends. However, with this project we have managed to stay in touch and managed to get together more than five times already.  I think there will be more reunions soon.