Creativity Under Pressure


I always wonder how people come up with creative and innovative ideas. Where do they get the inspiration? How do they tap into that part of themselves to actualize the idea? Whenever I find out about a new innovation, I always ask “How did they even think of that?” and “What is their secret creativity inspiration?” Is pressure a key point?

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many people talk about how they have lost their motivation, creativity, and even hope. But then I remember that innovative ideas come in all shapes and sizes and that many inventions were created under pressure.

Not surprising because humans adapt and our creativity is flexible when it needs to be. Basically, adaptation can happen under pressure and we already have it in our nature to do this. All we need to do is reveal it. But how do we do that?

Impressively inspiring ideas 

There are a couple of inspiring ideas I would like to share with you. See the circumstance and the result below, then start to empathize with your own situation.

  • Internet :Can you imagine your life without the internet? For instance, you couldn’t have read this blog if you didn’t have the internet. The internet has become an important part of our lives. But the internet wasn’t invented for an altruistic reason or created in a relaxed environment. During cold war period, governments used it as a weapon And today, we can’t picture ourselves living without it. 
  • Pilates: Many of us enjoy doing Pilates when we have time to relax or to get in shape. But Pilates wasn’t created for these reasons. A physical traniner Joseph Pilates invented it in the 1920s during World War One for rehabilitation purposes. He designed the pilates to facilitate rehabilitation while he was working at Knockaloe on the Isle of Man. He developed his method there for four years, working on his fellow internees. Just imagine the pressure.
  • Canned Food: I believe canned foods are a last-minute savior. Practical, fast, long lasting, and it makes our lives easier. Not just today, but in the 80s the military used it to feed their troops quickly and efficiently. Now, who doesn’t have this smart invention in their kitchen? 
  • Wristwatches: Wristwatches are status symbols and an indispensable part of fashion today. But it was a salvage item for soldiers during the first world war. The soldiers not only had to keep an eye on the time but they also had to carry heavy equipment. The pocket watches used during that time weren’t practical in that circumstance. A visionary dreamer, Constant Girard solved this problem, creating this fashionable invention we all love to use today.

The Creativity Button

These ideas didn’t come from ideal circumstances. They all faced difficulties, even impossibilities for some. However, when people are determined to create or innovate something, all they need to do is trust that they can.

Don’t put a gun to your head trying to increase your creativity but also don’t let any excuses affect your creativity. 

The secret is to keep up on your creativity under pressure with a “do not give up” attitude. Please share in the comments your biggest and most creative idea under pressure. 

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