Positive Impact of International Exposure

Would you like to be punctual like the Japanese? Disciplined like the Germans? How about hard working like the Chinese or practical like the Turkish? It is all in one package. You just need to open it. “Bon Appetite!”. There is lots of positive impact of international exposure for your personal growth.

From antiquity to today, different environmental factors affected people’s lives depending on their geography. In this blog, we will focus on the positive impact on all of your lives. Especially yours. Yes, you, the one who is reading this blog right now. 

Let’s see how we can incorporate multicultural skills into our lives while still enjoying the art of focusing on one thing, ‘’mono tasking’’.  Is there an all in pill (blue pill) that we can just take? Or just learn all these different skills while enjoying the colors of diversity?

Here’s a list of various list of skills that you can adopt in your life:

  • Working in an international environment, 
  • Living Abroad, and 
  • Internationally focused, fun activities in your city

Working in an international environment 

Sounds good right? I can hear some of you asking how? It is easy to say international companies ask for many qualifications which you don’t have. That may be true, but it is not the only option. If you have a good background and an opportunity presents itself, go for it. It won’t always come to you. You need to spend time finding out what you do best. Go to greatplacetowork and check out the companies and their work culture from an employee and start to work on those qualifications. It is not impossible. You just need time and hard work to get there. 

Keep your eyes open and seize opportunities. In fact, this is not the only option! 

For students, you can try to find an internship in a company abroad. AIESEC provides many young people access to cross cultural internships. 

Volunteering for an international organization is always a good option for you all to be in a diverse and colorful environment.

Living Abroad 

My favorite option is having an expat experience. It completely changes your vision, tolerance and understanding. Also, it is extremely fun! Being a part of new communities, learning new languages, traditions, dances, eating new cuisines, etc. 

How can I live abroad other than working, interning or studying?

The European Solidarity Corps is a new European Union initiative. This amazing program provides opportunities for young people to volunteer or work on projects in their own country or abroad that benefits communities and people around Europe. Thanks to this program, many people have chance to discover other cultures while having an expat experience.

Local Options

You don’t have to go to another country or work for a global company. These kinds of positive impact can happen locally too. Here are some options:

Couchsurfing is a service that connects people to a global community of travelers. You can find a place to stay or share your place and city with travelers. But couchsurfers also organize many events in cities around world. The perfect opportunity to meet foreigners. 

InterNations is a global network and information site for people who live and work abroad. You can find many events depending on your interests. 

impact of diversity

Colorful Skills on the way

There are many options to seize your chance. Now, it’s your turn! If you want to impact your life in a positive way, then start right away. Get ready to incorporate multicultural skills and become a new you!

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