3 Foods that Boost Your Productivity

What if someone told you that productivity is only a few bites away? Well, they may not be all wrong. There is a significant rise in the number of researches focused on the role of food in the everyday productivity, and especially its impact on the cognitive performance.

With this blog post we will explore what effects food has on our performance and the top 3 foods we can include in our meals to help us become more productive.

Food, body and productivity

There are several ways to describe productivity. Each one of us sees it in a different way. One way of understanding it is as an individual, group or organization ability to achieve an envisioned result within a certain amount of time.

To be productive means to be motivated. But it also means to invest some of your mental and physical energy. When it comes to the physical energy – can we help ourselves or others to maximize outputs by improving our eating habits? How does the physical energy produced by food we eat affects our mental energy and motivation?

First of all, food is our source of energy. And its nutrients are essential for various body functions. When it comes to our brain, its functions are closely linked to the level of glucose derived from food and sugar within it.

Having in mind its neural complexity, it comes as no surprise that our brain is the most sugar energy-demanding organ in our body. If our glucose levels are low (e.g. we skipped our breakfast and lunch), we will be easily disturbed. And we will have a hard time paying attention to what is important. What we are usually not aware of is at what rate the food is processed by our bodies. Some food gives us a less sustained, but significant burst of energy thanks to the quick glucose release (e.g. pasta).

Other food (e.g. cheeseburger) provides us with more long term source of energy. They can be hard-to-digest which may also reduce oxygen levels that are necessary for our brain to function. So what food should we choose when we need to be efficient and productive? Here are three examples of the food that could boost our physical energy in order to maintain the high levels of the mental one.


Other than being a rich source of vitamin E, sunflower seeds are good source of magnesium. Lack of magnesium can make us feel nervous. Moreover it can lead to tiredness and feeling of weakness. We don’t want to feel like that when we are aiming for a productive day. Sunflower seeds also contain an amino acid called tryptophan , which quickly converts to serotonin. Serotonin levels are believed to act as a mood stabilizer and higher levels lead to the feelings of happiness and well-being. Then it leads to the higher levels of motivation.

Photo by khumthong at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Sunflower seeds can be consumed everywhere from parks and streets to comfortable sofa while watching TV. They are easily accessible and could be a great addition to your salad, yoghurt, bread or scrambled eggs. Nutritionists recommend a 1 cupped-hand sized portion a day due to its high caloric value (584 kcal/100 g). Those who suffer from hypertension may need to pay attention to eat unsalted ones as sodium in them can increase blood pressure.


How about adding a bit of healthy and nutritious edible plants to your lunch? Well, broccoli volunteers to join your meal! Other than being a rich source of vitamin C and fiber, broccoli stands out thanks to its high levels of the vitamin K. Studies have shown the associations between reduced vitamin K status and poor cognitive function.

Vitamin K is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties . It may also contribute to the efficiency and the overall cognitive performance. With that in mind, why not boosting our vitamin K levels with a simple addition of raw or cooked nutritional green powerhouse? Moreover, broccoli supplies iron which helps promote blood flow. Therefore, it provides a regular supply of oxygen to the brain.

Photo by SOMMAI at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


They might be low in calories. But they are packed with antioxidants which give us energy for a high level of productivity. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the berries!

Blueberries may come first to our mind when thinking of the berries that help our brain function better. In a recent study researchers from the University of Exeter showed a variety of improvements in cognitive functions among people who consumed blueberry juice (equal to eating 230 g of whole blueberries) for 12 weeks.

Photo by Serge Bertasius Photography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Strawberry is a rich source of fisetin. It is a flavonoid that enhances long-term memory by promoting signaling pathways in our brain . Fisetin also improves body’s ability to deal with stress-related damage. It means that our body can function better with less energy spent on fighting with inflammations.

Raspberries, cranberries and blackberries also have some beneficial effects on the brain. Research conducted by the University of Reading suggests that consuming mixed berries at breakfast may lead to a more sustained cognitive performance (including speed) throughout the day. The next time you plan on having that healthy breakfast, try not to forget to add some berries!

How do we go from here?

We went through 3 examples of food that could help us boost our productivity. With this blog post we explored the benefits of the sunflower seeds, broccoli and berries. However, the list does not end here. Other examples of the great ‘brain food’ are walnuts, almond, salmon, avocado, dark chocolate, chia seeds, etc. Unfortunately, solely eating them will not make us the heroes of productivity. Still, we can think of them as a great fuel to help us achieve the daily envisioned results and stay productive throughout the day.

Nowadays internet provides a great variety of healthy food recipes. The first step to include the productivity boosting food may be just around the corner (or in the next tab you open in your browser). We will end here with a question – “How will I include sunflower seeds / broccoli / berries in my meal today and tomorrow?” Let us know in the comments and feel free to share your delicious recipes with us!

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