
We can not say that art is one thousand years old or different numbers. We can say that art is of the same age as humanity. When we see Homo Sapiens in the history scene, Homo Sapiens express themselves with various views. For example, people painted different stone works when they lived in caves. Suppose...
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Hello, I’m Abraham. I like telling my adventure. Also, I want to tell you about my experiences in Poland. Do you think there is blueberry pierogi(ravioli)? When I talk about Polish cuisine, you will learn that there is only one variety of Polish cuisine 🙂 Rajgród; It is a city that very few people in...
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About 1,5 months ago, I had my first Erasmus+ experience within the Positive Impact Association. The youth exchange took place with 35 people from 4 different countries. The aims of the project were to provide entrepreneurial education in a way that was non-formal and to share the knowledge that we gained during the project with...
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Have you ever felt nervous and awkward at a networking event? How many times have you dwelled on what to write in an email or LinkedIn message? Even for a fairly outgoing person like myself, those problems sound quite familiar. In today’s world networking is an essential aspect for building a successful career. Indeed, creating and...
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Is your argument strong enough? Do you want to be the one who is always listened to at the dinner table? Expressing yourself verbally is a part of self-actualization that is the top trait of Maslow’s hierarchy. Everybody wants to be heard out at some point. Some do it successfully with the Ted Talks, the...
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While I was thinking about what to write this week, I saw a friend’s Instagram story where she talked about the mindset of volunteering. I noticed it was starting with these sentences:  ‘’Don’t volunteer with expectations. You will collapse….’’ The wording was far from being polite and wasn’t informative. I was extremely shocked and upset. Especially...
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We live in a world of persuasion. What do we mean by that? Stop for a moment and try to remember all the decisions you have made today. What did you have for breakfast? Which coffee or tea brand did you drink? Which toothpaste brand did you use? Did you remember to bring your face...
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A small emphasis on a word can easily change the meaning of what you say. The same words can mean different things in different countries. The same situation shot from different video angles can provide different perspectives to the world. Today we are going to talk about asserting a claim. The same gestures may mean...
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Are you ready for a game changing content about learning? Abraham Lincoln wisely said ”Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” So prepare your oilstones folks, we will sharpen our axes today.Learning has always been popular but now online learning is becoming the...
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As a frequent traveler, I can say that wherever you go in the world, you are going to encounter people who are different from you culturally, socially, and politically. That’s why I would like to talk about accepting today. If there is one thing we all need to do, it is to treat everyone with dignity...
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What is this wheel we are talking about? Imagine you are in a helicopter ride. You have the chance to see all the different ways you have walked through every day. You can observe your neighborhood and find a shortcut to your favorite bakery if you are lucky enough. This is possible because of the...
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What are the benefits of volunteering? Why would someone devote their time to a common cause without expecting something in return? Well, it seems there is a lot to gain if you decide to engage into such activities!  There is a variety of personal benefits such as networking, improved self-esteem, increased employability, etc. What makes...
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I always wonder how people come up with creative and innovative ideas. Where do they get the inspiration? How do they tap into that part of themselves to actualize the idea? Whenever I find out about a new innovation, I always ask “How did they even think of that?” and “What is their secret creativity...
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Creativity has always been a controversial topic in society. Some say it is gifted. Others say it is a result of resentful past events/traumas. We will not get into this debate with a shallow perspective. To create is something that takes your attention more than just five minutes. Rather, we will take a look at...
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There are specific sounds which can dramatically increase your creativity. In fact, you will never want to work without a proper background sound anymore. Before understanding how music enhances your inspiration let’s first analyze the sound itself a bit. Sounds are waves, generated by vibrating matters. There are certain frequencies of waves which can put...
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Creativity is the ability to improve functioning and well-being by creating something useful, new or unusual. Even though it is commonly seen through prism of ‘creative thinking’, creativity is also an action. Creative performance is influenced by a variety of psychological, behavioral and cultural factors in the background. Still, what happens when we are (just...
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Even since we are born, we ask random questions. Curiosity takes us to our imagination world. In our childhood we happen to ask some questions like what is this? Why the sky is blue? What makes these strawberries so tasty? These questions evolve in time. In adolescent year we start to ask questions to deliver...
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Pump up your focus by exercising In today’s society, there are lots of distractions such as social media, games and gossip which can set you back from your responsibilities. These distractions make you lose your focus and lower your productivity. Your brain is responsible for that lazy pattern. Because it finds it easier to execute...
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Would you like to be punctual like the Japanese? Disciplined like the Germans? How about hard working like the Chinese or practical like the Turkish? It is all in one package. You just need to open it. “Bon Appetite!”. There is lots of positive impact of international exposure for your personal growth. From antiquity to...
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The recent pandemic left us thinking of new ways to spend time in a productive way. Some people started learning a new language or attending online skills courses. What I ended up doing was something I have never tried before, and it was – (home) gardening. I had a interest in it thanks to watching...
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How do we decide if our teacher is good at teaching or not? A famous technique can help us in that. Commonly when our professor uses technical terms that we don’t know, and if it is impossible to learn them immediately, we lose our interest in the topic. But when he/she relate the topic with a...
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We have good habits in our daily life that help us reach our goals. However, we also have bad habits that stand as obstacles. Are you ready to seize the opportunity to take control and lose those unnecessary habits? Imagine this scenario. You decide over the weekend to be productive and knock out your to-do...
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Procrastination is the most popular problem of this age. I want you to think about the hardest task you need to work on right now. You probably ignored to start working on it for a long time. Now, think about what other little tasks you completed when you procrastinate the big one. The Art of...
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What if someone told you that productivity is only a few bites away? Well, they may not be all wrong. There is a significant rise in the number of researches focused on the role of food in the everyday productivity, and especially its impact on the cognitive performance. With this blog post we will explore...
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Focus is hard to keep in this 21st century. A sensational history book is rocking the world right now, your favorite series just launches ten more episodes on Netflix, your friend has just started a new podcast series in YouTube, and your co-worker has successfully finished another online course and shared on LinkedIn. Why not...
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project experience
What I like about a project is its ability to surprise you no matter how often you have experienced it before. I participated in eight previous Erasmus + projects. I am also a Turkish expat who used to live in Krakow. So when I arrived I thought I knew what to expect from this journey,...
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When I first learned that I would join the project, I was a bit nervous because I was afraid of meeting new people and speaking English in public. It was my first Erasmus+ project, and everything was very beautiful from beginning to end. EVERYBODY IN THE PROJECT WAS AMAZING! They encouraged me to speak in...
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Before I came to this project, my expectations were high because it was the first time I was leaving my country and the idea of meeting foreign people and learning new things with them was so appealing. I hoped this experience would change my life. Poland was a welcoming country; as I expected, I met...
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